Are Anchor Text Links Still Important for SEO?

A few years ago, the anchor text on links was very important for SEO purposes. The precise text in links affected the search results and still does to an extent - searching for "click here" still brings up the Adobe Reader site. But Google bombing - a practice that involved a disparate group of persons making many precise anchor text content links to impact the relook for outcomes - has been largely prevented from affecting the search results.

As with almost everything to do with SEO, opinions vary as to the precise mix of anchor links that should be used but it is generally thought to be good practice to use a variety of different anchor texts rather than concentrating on the precise keyword phrases you want your site to rank for.

Instead, it is recommended that you aim for a variety of anchor links in the places where you can influence them in the first place.

On sites like YouTube, you can't affect the anchor text. Any URL is automatically clickable but you can't link it with any text. It's just a raw link pointing to whichever page you've decided to include in your video description.

YouTube actually goes further than this and allows you to link back to precise times inside the video simply by including the minutes and seconds in your description. YouTube can then convert in which into your link in which takes any individual who clicks upon it to in which purpose within the video. Which shows they have got the actual capability of as well as totally different anchor texts other then don't need regular individuals to be capable of management in which.

Outside YouTube, it is recommended that you include a number of different anchor texts, including a small proportion of ones with the keyword that you're aiming to rank for.

The remainder of the anchor texts - probably the bulk of them - should be a mixture of other more generic words and phrases such as "click here" and "find out more".

This sounds counter-productive as it doesn't give Google the precise words you want to rank for. But it is actually a good idea as Google's algorithm tends to prefer to work that kind of thing out for itself and it's getting a lot better at doing so.

The logic behind mixing up lots of different anchor texts, most of which are generic, is that this is more natural.

Whether or not that's the case is open to debate and will almost certainly vary from site to site and from industry to industry.

For instance, an article site like this one is very likely to use precise text as the anchor pointing back to the site that contributed the article.

A site run by a hobbyist is maybe less likely to do that and is more likely to use phrases like "click here".

So it's worth following the convention of the sites you're using and mixing up your anchor text.

Even to the point of having some links that are pure text - not even linked at all - as that happens on some websites and with some less than technically competent webmasters.

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